チョコレートベアクッキー バレンタインデーのレシピを公開

Chocolate Bear Cookies

I made chocolate bear cookies with my daughter. It’s easy because it used commercial goods. I shared how to make it. Please see below for the details. In addition even children aged 3-6 can work. My daughter is 4 years old tried to draw bear’s eyes, nose and mouse with chocolate pens, and cover bear’s face with chocolate tempering. For children who try to make sweets for the first time, it is easy to imagine if you show them a picture of the finished product.


  • chocolate cookies(big size and small size)
  • chocolate bar
  • chocolate pens
  • marshmallow

The other

  • wooden sticks
  • tray
  • cooking paper
  • spoon


  1. Spilt the chocolate cookies and put them on the cooking paper(Fig.1). It doesn’t matter if some cream remains. Cut the marshmallows into cylinders.
  2. Melt the chocolate pens with boil water.
  3. Put the chocolate on one of a big size chocolate cookie. Put on two small size chocolate cookies near the top of it like bear’s ears. And put on wooden stick near the down of it. See below for the picture(Fig.2).
  4. Harden them in a refrigerator about 15mins.
  5. Take them out of the refrigerator. Put the chocolate on bear’s ears and bear’s faces with the chocolate pens. See below for the picture(Fig.3). And put another chocolate cookies on them(Fig.4, Fig.5). Harden the in a refrigerator about 15mins.
  6. Melt the chocolate bar into a bowl with boil water(chocolate tempering).
  7. Take them out of the refrigerator. Cover the chocolate tempering for bear’s face with spoon(Fig.6). Put them on cooking paper. Put marshmallow on bear’s face(Fig.7).
  8. Harden them out of the refrigerator about 15mins.
  9. Melt the chocolate pens with boil water.
  10. Take them out of the refrigerator. Draw eyes, nose and mouth with the chocolate pens(Fig.8).
  11. Harden them out of the refrigerator about 15mins.
Fig.1 Spilt the chocolate cookies and put them on the cooking paper.
Fig.2 Put on two small size chocolate cookies and wooden sticks.
Fig.3 Put the chocolate on bear’s ears and bear’s faces with the chocolate pens.
Fig.4 Put another chocolate cookies on them.
Fig.5 Put another chocolate cookies on them.
Fig.6 Cover the chocolate tempering for bear’s face with spoon.
Fig.7 Put marshmallow on bear’s face.
Fig.8 Draw eyes, nose and mouth with the chocolate pens.

Recipe Note


こちらのレシピでは市販品のクッキーやチョコレートを使用しています。本当はOreoを使用したかったのですがあいにく入手できず違うメーカーのものを使用しましたがうまく完成しました。ちなみに、市販品はcommercial goodsと表現しています。このほか、goods on the marketとも表現できるようです。




  1. クッキーは割れやすいので、中のクリームがすこし溶けた状態でカッターナイフを使って半分にすると良いです。
  2. 必ずシートはクッキングシートを用いてください。チョコレートが張り付くことなく仕上がります。
  3. 1工程ずつ冷蔵庫で冷やす手間はかかりますが仕上がりをよくするためには必要となります。15分程度でチョコレートはかたまると思いますが様子を見ながら作業を進めてくださいね。
  4. もし時間があるようなら、クマの表情をどんなふう書くか紙に下書きをしてみてもよいと思いますし、次の工程の準備や説明をしてあげて待っても良いと思います。