Apple Pie

My apple pie recipe doesn’t require any special tools. If you don’t have a food processor and a pie plate, it’s not problem. This recipe uses ready-made pie crust. Under the apples, spread the crushed commercial cookies. It’s easy to make it. If you can get a sour variety of apple, I recommend to make an apple pie.
4 sheet ready-made pie crust
2 apples
80g sugar
1tsp cinnamon
8 ready-made cookies
1 egg yolk
If sour apples are not available, I recommend adding a little lemon juice.
- Take the frozen pie crust out of the freezer so it can thaw.
- Put ready-made cookies into a nylon bag and crash them with a rolling pin.
- Slice the apple into quarters and cut into quarter-rounds.
- Put apples and sugar in a heat-resistant bowl and heat at 600w for 4 minutes.
- Cooked apples are soft and pliant. Discard the water from apples.
- Put cinnamon into apples and mix them. Wait until it cooled down.
- Split one pie crust into large pieces and the other into small pieces.
- Make cuts in the small of pie crust with a knife like that.
- Put cookies and apples on large of pie crust.
- Spread small of pie crust and put it on apples.
- Preheat the oven to 200°C.
- Finally spread egg yolk with a brush. And bake them in oven for 20 minutes.

Recipe Notes
- 既製品(ready-made)のパイシートを使用しています。パイ生地はpie crustと表現します。
- ボトムにクッキーをクラッシュしたものを敷き詰めています。やや塩気のあるクッキーがオススメです。わたしはアップルパイを作るときは、森永製菓の「チョイス」を使っています。
- thawは「解凍する」という意味です。逆に「冷凍する」というのはfreezeと言います。
- quarter-roundsはいちょう切りのことを言います。
- soft and pliantはしんなりするまでをあらわしています。たとえば「しんなりするまでオーブンで加熱します」だったら、Cooked apples until soft and pliant with oven. という感じで表現します。
- 「粗熱がとれる」はcooled off, cooled downという表現します。
When cooking with young children
