Cookie phases of the Moon

This is a fun activity for kids learning the phases of the Moon. First kids learn about the position of the Sun, the Moon and the Earth. Then we start the experiment with Oreos. Kids will know how to name the phases of the Moon.
The Moon

The Moon is a beautiful and mysterious body. The Moon orbits the Earth and moves through different phases that are repeated every 29 days.


- Draw on the black sheet. Draw the sun on the right side, the earth in the center with crayons or collar pencils(fig.1).
- The phases of the Moon include a new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter and waning crescent.
- Used 8 cookies. Heat the cookies with the microwave(600w, 30mins). Separate the cookies so the center cream is exposed.
- Carve a phase of the Moon in the center cream of 1 cookie with a spoon.
- Once you are finished carving the cream center, place your “Moon” on the black sheet(fig.2).
- Write the name of each phase of the Moon(fig.3).
- After you finish all the phases, make sure to show off your creation before you eat it! (fig.4)

fig.1 Draw on the black sheet.

fig.2 Put cookies on the sheet.

fig.3 Write the name of each phase of the Moon.

fig.4 Finish all the phases.

The Moon orbits the Earth and moves through different phases than are repeated every 29 days.
このアクティビティでは、オレオのクリームをスプーンで削って月の満ち欠けを表現していきます。削るは carve で表現しています。削られるものが a phase of the Moon in the center cream of 1 cookie なのでこのように目的語を配置しています。
Carve a phase of the Moon in the center cream of 1 cookie with a spoon.
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